Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Buying gluten free bread can be tricky. There is a broad range of products available, some are fantastic alternatives, others?... well lets just say, I've erased them permanently from my memory. I tried baking bread from a box this time, and the warm familiar aroma is wafting through my kitchen as I type. The product I tried is by Glutino - and labeled as Gluten Free Pantry, it makes a good size white loaf of bread or alternatively a pizza crust. The consistency is remarkably similar to the white bread my mom used to make, although the box says it is 'french bread' it certainly doesn't taste or have the texture of french bread, nor is it dense like most gluten free loafs, its airy and light.I think I would actually even make a sandwich with this bread or french toast!

Gluten Free Pantry French Bread & Pizza Mix

Taste: 9 points out of 10
Difficulty: Low (although it requires some time)

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