About Me

Most people upon being diagnosed with Celiacs Disease and having started a gluten free diet have related tales of relief, renewed joy, vigor and stamina. They seemed to ease into the gluten-free lifestyle happily and with little effort, at least that's how it appeared to me....

I have had....not the easiest time making the transition.

I was never bedridden, puking my guts out every time I ate gluten, neither was I visibly malnourished, I had, however, lived with digestion issues for a very long time and was never particularly energetic. Upon receiving blood test results and having undergone an endoscopy, it was confirmed I had Celiacs Disease.......really?....hunh....

In the months following, I tried to strictly adhere to a gluten free diet, however, my energy didn't skyrocket like so many others, in fact, I fainted for the first time in my life after going gluten free. My body surely, has been healing, and the digestion issues are clearing up. But I've learned that it's a slower transition for me; mentally and physically. There are new vitamin deficiencies to consider when drastically changing your diet. My stomach reacts much more acutely now when I do eat something contaminated. I have to put so much more thought into exactly what goes into my mouth. I consider myself a 'foodie' of sorts and love love love to dine out with my husband and friends, and I refuse to sacrifice good food for the rest of my life.

Therefore I've decided to create this blog which main goal is to review recipes, restaurants, and products that feature gluten free options. Because lets face it, although gluten free options are more prevelant and readily available than ever before - some of them quite frankly (my nose is screwed up as I type this) stink..! So follow my blog as I try to bring to light the best products and places for us Celiacs!

Yours Truly,
